Tuesday 5 October 2010


 List Of Equipment 
HD Canon, Camercorder

The reason we are using a HD camera is because it is ideal for the camera angle's we plan to take, furthermore it prodcuces very good camera quality. It is also easyier to edit the footage as we can use the log and transfer which is much faster then log and capture.


 The reason why we are using a tripod is because it's an essential piece of equipment to be able to adjust to hieghts which we cannot reach. Also, to be able to reduce the amount of camera bounce as using a tripod is steady compared to using hand held camera shots. However, to add a sense of realism to our film we will be using some hand-held camera shots aswell.



This is an input device which will be used to record high quality sound when linked into the camcorder.This is a very important piece of equipment and is usually used to record diegetic dialogue from within the film world but can also be used to record non-diegetic sound such as voiceovers.

Apple iMac
  We will be using this piece of equipment as it is one of the important things we need, in order to finish our film. This is because we will be using the software on it such as Final Cut Pro and Garage band. We will use Final Cut Pro in order to edit our film to the highest possible quality. Also we will use Garage band in order to create music that is parallel to the genre of our film. Garadge band can also be used to record non-digetic sounds such as voice-overs.

Still shot camera

 We will be using this still shot camera to take photo of the location of our film. We will need to take these photos in order to create our recce report. We will take a variety of pictures from each of the locations we will use, and then describe why we have chosen them when we create our recce report

Detailed synopsis
This film is a story about a 17 year old boy who has an un-expected turn in his life after finding a top secret government CD when going through his missing father’s previous possessions. The boy's father went missing when this boy was aged 5 and the boy never forgot the pain burnt within his heart when his mother told him "daddy won’t be coming back, his in a better place now".

After finding the CD the boy places it back in the box but somehow it appeared within his work folder when he opened up his book after lesson. Ignoring the 'Do not touch' sign, the boy still pursued to insert the CD into the school computer once everyone had left the room.

After inserting the disc, a short clip film montage started to play which left passive, subliminal messages in his head which he then began to become paranoid about and in a rush began writing notes about the clip. After the film was finished, a bunch of students outside heard all the commotion and rushed into the room, they saw the boy acting a bit strange and he ran past them, collapsed and passed out in the college corridor.

After a short while the boy then wakes up in bed and opens his eyes to see his mother sitting beside him. His mother replies 'Are you ok? I had to pick you up from college because the teachers said you randomly fainted in the corridor' as the mother looks into his eyes she sees a familiar look in his eyes. The boy then in a panic begins to tap himself and he then asks the question 'where's the notes?' his mother replies 'what are you talking about?' he then shouts out 'Where's the notes!?' he mother then replies 'what notes?' he then shouts out 'I have to find them!' and he then makes a dash to the front door and runs out of the house down the road and ends up at a shelter around the back of some shops holding his head in his hands.

The phone box then begins to ring in front of him, the camera then eases towards the phone box and the boy then feels curious to answer it. After i couple rings the boy walks towards the phone box and looks around he then answers the phone and is immediately spoken to by an husky voice asking "where is it!?" the boy then replies "where is what?" the voice replies "stop acting stupid you know what I’m talking about" then boy then replies "no i don’t" the voice then *sighs* and says "listen to me and listen to me good boy! I have a .50 caliber sniper, strong enough to penetrate through 5 sqsheets of steel aim at your head right now and if you don’t co-operate i won't hesitate to leave your brain decorated on the phone box windows!" the boy then says "you’re not serious". *BANG!* the voice then shoots and passer-by and replies "think I’m still kidding now" at this point people are then crowding the body and looking around, calling the police. The voice then says " you better leave that phone box and go home and search for what I’m looking for before i either frame you for shooting this guy or arranging it or I’ll kill you" the voice then laughs and locks off the phone.

The boy runs home in a panic to try retrieve the notes he wrote down, he closes all the curtains and blinds and goes through his dad's box of previous possession. The boy then gets a text saying "you can't hide, you might as well stand in the street, because the walls aren’t stopping anything, I’m watching you".

The boy then backs away from the phone and takes of the battery and throws it across the room. The boy then runs to his computer and tries researching into old documents, the camera the focuses onto the boy’s face with and over the should view of the bedroom door and standing in the door frame is a guy wearing full black clothes and a black bandana around his face, the boys eyes then focus over his shoulder but just as his eyes stop at the furthest point they can go on his face, the guy brings out a black bag and covers it over his face.

The camera is then full black and a diegetic voiceover of the criminals talking is then played. Voice1 says "what should we do with him?" voice2 says "just kill him, no one knows he'll be gone" Voice3 says "think wise he has all the information in his head, let's just torture him for it there's no-one else who can give us this information" voice1 then says "you're right" voice2 says "fine, but let me use the chainsaw this time" and at this point you hear the boy scream and the film then ends.

by Kieran Brown



Deatiled Account of film

The film will start off with prodcution titles which will show our production team name, Rubber Ducky productions, and there will be non-diegetic theme soundtrack running over these titles. After the production titles there will be a first shot of the boy boxing a boxing bag with an opaque transition fading over the foreground, in the bottom left corner will be opening titles giving information on who the film is directed by, written by, filmed by and edited by. after the titles are finished the camera switches to a POV of the boxing bag and the bag is then punched by the boy which makes the screen black out for a second, the screen then fades back and the boy then wakes up. This gives the effect that the boy was dreaming and awoken by the punch on the bag. At this point the non-digetic music is more fast pase as the boys alarm is going off and he is in a rush to get to college as he is running late for  his media workshop lesson. The film progresses with the fast pase music and fades out in the next shot (sound bridge) as the boy is walking into college and this will be filmed from a high angle as it will give abit of an effect that the boy is getting watched but it wouldn't be aapprent to the audience that the boy is getting watched at this point. The boy then stumbles into his class workshop and no-one is in the class, he looks around and whispers to himself 'abit creepy', he sits down at a table and takes his books out of his bag, he then reads his book and then goes and grabs his folder out of his bag as he needs paper. As he opens his folder he notices the CD which he saw at home within his folder, which will be a shock to the audience about how it got there, the boy then thinks to himself and feels tempted to insert the CD into the computer, after a shortwhile he looks around and inserts the CD into the computer. After inserting the CD a short movie clip montage starts playing on the screen which has the boy mesmarised into a trance and he cant detach himself from the computer (disruption). The boy then comes out of the trance and is able to scrible down a few notes in a panic before he then takes out the CD, snaps it and throws it out of the window. After this he runs out of the room and faints onto the floor and the camera then blacks out and fades in and as the camera fades in the boy is then seen in bed waking up with his mother on the side who then asks him if he's ok ad the boy suddenly replies 'Where's the notes!' the mother is then cofused and asks him what he's talking about and he then repeats himself and a short while the boy endz up panicing and getting stressed out and then runs out of the house towards a shelter the go sit down and try calm down. As the boy walks past the shop a CCTV camera then follows him and a dark figure is seen watching the CCTV monitor as the boy walks past the shop. The boy then sits down at the shelter and holds his head into his hands. The phone suddenly rings and then boy looks around confused about who the phone is ringing for, the boy cant hold the tension after a few rings and pursues to answer the phone. He is then greeted by the voice of a criminal who threatens him and demands for the CD after some dialogue a passer by is shot and the criminal thretens to set the boy up for murder if he does not bring the CD back within three days phone is then put down and the boy runs home after the scene that was made. There is then a dicussion that's heard by the audience between the criminals and they suggest that they need the boy as soon as possible and the main criminal says to his gang that he had given the boy three days but the other criminals say how they've only got three days themselves and the camera cuts back to the boy after the main criminal says 'We'll work something out'. The camera the cuts back to the boy in his room searching on the internet for details about what had just happened to him but he can't find anything. Unexpectedly, a black clothed, ballied guy opens up the door slowly and kidnaps the boy and take him away to a dark room. The criminals the have a diccusion of what to do with the boy and the film ends with one of the criminals reving up a chainsaw.

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