Tuesday 5 October 2010

Film Poster Comparisons (Phonebooth and Our Hand Drawn Poster)

Phonebooth poster
This is the poster for the film 'Phone Booth' which is the closest film to our one in terms of the plot and characters. For our film poster, we used this as a guide for how to design it and we thought it would be appropriate to do so. The poster is fairly straight foward in terms of layout and it clearly portray the two characters; the innocent one of the right and the villains on the left and is very similar to our poster which can be seen below.

Our film poster

This is our poster for the film we are going to create. We named it 'Unkown Innocence' but this may not be our final decision for the name of the film. The main character of the film is on the left of the poster and his facial expressions suggest that he is anxious and worried about what is going to happen to him. We also drew him to make inside a phone booth as he is holding a phone and also he is inside the actual booth. On the other side of the booth is one of the guards/ police who are after him. One way which shows that he is after him is due to the fact that he is holding a gun and also the way which he is dressed. Another thing that could be said about this poster is the theory of binary oppositions. This is the principle of contrast between two mutually exclusive terms. So for example in this case: hero and villain and this is also supported by the fact that the two characters are seperated by the phone booth so it makes it interesting for the audience. Other elements included in the poster include: the release date, the age rating, who is starring in the movie and movie reviews. Furthermore, this is just a rough version of the film poster; we are planning to create a more proffessional copy using Photoshop and this should improve the look of the poster.

However we decided not to use this poster design, as we feel that is a complete copy of the 'Phone Booth' poster, so therefore we have to come up with a new idea that we will use to create our poster

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