Tuesday 5 October 2010


This film is a story about a 17 year old boy who has an un-expected turn in his life after finding a top secret government CD when going through his missing father’s previous possessions. The boy then goes to college not knowing that the CD is so important. One day , on his way to the local shop he hears the phone box ringing, answers it and there is someone talking asking him about the CD and says that if he refuses to hand it over, he will be assassinated. After this , he is kidnapped, when a black bag is put over his head, and that is how the film is concluded.

Target Audience
The target audience of our film ranges from the age of 15-24. The reason for the age group as our main target is because the market for action/thriller films is more dominant by that age group range. The class our target audience fit into ranges from the class E to C1. Most of our target Audience would be students and 'white-collar' workers because students will be looking for an action packed thriller film to get their heart pumping and also the storyline is based around a students so they will be able to relate to the film more, and this may influence them to watch it as the main character is based in the same type of area as the audience, and also lives the same type of life, as he has a hobby which is boxing and also attends college, which is similar to our main target audience. The 'white-collar' young workers will want to watch a fast paced action film that will have their attention throughout the film and we feel that our film idea can achieve this. Also out main target audience would be males, as boys and men are more interested in watching an action film then a female, as the conventions of action films such as the excitement, fast-paced storyline and the occasional violence would be more pleasing to them. Whereas if we was making a romantic film our main target audience would be females and this genre would be more attractive for them. We think that the target audience we have chosen for our film is accurate as we will be mainly targeting young adults and men between the ages of 15 and 24.

The purpose of our film is that we want to excite the audience by offering them an action film that has a very interesting storyline, we believe that giving our film an exciting storyline, it will attract the audience more which is what we want to do. We also want to show how there can be unexpected changes in peoples lives, as the main character is a normal person, attending college, but his life changes once he watches a CD that he founds in his dads old possessions. We also want to raise the issues of social class, as the character is from a working class background living in a deprived area, and this specific class and area is stereotyped to have issues such as violence and gang trouble, although our film is not about gang trouble, we will be using violence, guns and kidnapping, which are all stereotyped to to working class people living in deprived areas. Finally we also wanted to make this film, as we wanted to try a different sub-genre of an action film, as we have already made a film which is of the sub-genre social realism. We believe that our previous film was off an acceptable level, so we thought that we would keep the same genre but change the sub-genre to make it more interesting for us as well as the audience  

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