Tuesday 5 October 2010

Film poster annotation - Kieran Brown (Phone Booth)


File:Phone Booth movie.jpg
Phone booth released poster

This poster is the final release which the phone booth team released. This movie would be aimed at the social clases E-C1 mainly people who have time on their hands and would enjoy a Action/thriller movie which is simple but unique with the storyline and camera movements.

The target audience wouldrange from the ages of 16-21(males) as they will be drawn to this poster as it is simple and potrays the main storyline through the use of effective visuals which will catch the target audiences eyes because of the intensity effects. The man in the phone booth shows that the main plot of the story would be based around the phonebooth, with the cops in the other section of the photo, this shows that apart of the disruption will be due the that phone call. Also the perception of most of the film being revolved around this phone call is enthasised by the poster caption 'Your life is on the line' This gives away to the audience a subtle insight into what might happen in the film so altogether the audience knows that the film will be revolve around the phone booth but will also include some dramatic storyline as his life will be at risk.

The genre is communicated through the use of mis-en-scene to the target audience. The main character's facial expression is typical of an action film because it is dramatic and tense also the make-up make the character look like he is panicing as it makes him look sweaty. As for costumes the police are typical of an action film as the main cop would usually wear a suit to show his is in a higher power to the others and in the phonebooth poster this is shown but it isnt very apparent that the man in the suit is a cop but the suit indicates that he has some type of power in the film as the picture is also taken from a low angle to make him look bigger.

The main USP of the poster is the bold writing which says 'Your life is on the line' This is one of the most important parts of the poster as it stand out in a bold font and the colour red. This may be to catch the audiences attention and give them something to remember easily. Also, it sounds very dramatic which may influence the audience into wanting to watch the film more. Furthermore, the actors names are mentioned within the poster this may be to rake in fans of their work as a unique selling point for the actors fan base.

The main representation in this poster is gender as the male characters are seen as taking more control of the situation for example the women are seen behind the man who seems to be taking the most control of the situatuion and he is represented in a higher power than them from the use of mis-en-scene which has previously been explained.

1 comment:

  1. 1)what is the age and gender of the target audience?
    2)Colin Farrell and the setting of the film are the fils USPs
    3) The film is a thriller, not an action film - what conventions of the thriller are present?
