Monday 13 December 2010

Recce Report

This is the establishing shot of our film. This is the first shot seen in our film and is used to set the location of our genre which is in East London and the genre is thriller/action. This also suggetss that the main character in our film is an ordinary college boy as he is seen waking up here

This location is ideal for many reasons. firstly, it is a good place to gain camera angle diversity and also it is a great place in terms of location to fit the conventions that out british thriller/action film is trying to adhere to. It is near the phone box which is a significant prop for our film as the tension builds up prior to him answering the phone. Therefore, this loctaion is ideal for this.

This is the college which the student attends. It is important to show this in the film because the audience can recognise that he is a student. This is also where the character finds out what the CD is about. 

This is a typical London phonebox, located in a local, residential area. This adds mystery to the film as when the phone rings, everything else is silent and the main focus in on the phone box. It is in an open area and therefore, many camera shots/ angles can be obtained from this.

This is a classroom which is essential to be able to fit the generic representation of a college student. This location is ideal in terms of  lighting and the way which the classroom is layed out which is quite spacious.

This is the dark room, this room can be used to film darker scenes as the room can be made pitch black by closing the blinds and turning off all the light also if needed spotlights can be turned on to give the room abit of light. This is ideal for the kidnap scene as it represents the dark and evil of the villains.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Reaction Sheet Feedback (Rough Cut)

Here are the scan copies of the reactions sheets, that we asked our target audience to fill in after watching the rough cut of our film 

New Poster (First Draft)

Below is the first draft of our new poster. We decided to change our poster design as we thought that our previous hand drawn poster was a complete rip of off the 'Phone Booth' poster
However in this poster we still need to include a picture, caption, actors name and critical acclaim

Unknown Innocence - Final Magazine Review Page